Saturday, March 13, 2010

little tip for ya

here's a step-by-step guide to cleaning your nice shirts:

1. go to a ballin party on new years eve with all of your college friends.
2. get jungle juice on your shirt. Like, a lot of it.
3. take that shirt on a plane back to your house and put it under your laundry basket, and tell yourself that you are going to clean it with some stain remover. tell yourself that you'll call your mom about it eventually to get her to help you.
4. leave it on the floor of your closet for 3 months and 12 days.
5. accidentally leave your detergent cap a bit loose and allow the detergent to get all over the shirt that you had been saving.
6. throw it in the washer and dryer with all your other clothes.

wa-la! a stepwise, 3-month process to cleaning button-downs.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

late nights with red bull and newcastle

i am stuck in lab, which blows, but i've been listening to justice and mgmt and daft punk and it makes me happy because i think about you guys. i miss all of you. i want 1610 reunion to next be in san diego where we can go to the tap room and the zoo and drink beer on the beach. kind of like spring break but without the frat boys to wake us up at 4 a.m. i had a hard time explaining to someone today how amazing that trip was.

unrelated musings --

frank do you remember telling me that sleeping in the shower with the water on wasn't the best idea? you were always right about those sorts of things.

dillon -- i'm probably moving so i can bike to work next year. thought you would be proud. also i'm buying a reusable grocery bag. take that plastic!

david, we must take down the miles group.

erin: i was thinking today. someone (you) should spruce up the horror genre by making a movie where ROBOTS are the ones killing zombies and not humans.

i want banana bread.
